2013-14 Advance Booking: Submit request by March 31

We are now accepting advance booking requests for academic sessions in 2013-14.

1. What is Advance Booking?
Advance Booking is a process where the UBC FoM academic sessions for the upcoming year are booked in advance of booking non-academic sessions.

2. Why is Advance Booking done?
Advance booking is done to give UBC FoM academic sessions priority access to UBC FoM rooms. It also helps minimize the number of sessions that may be moved or bumped later in the year to accommodate academic sessions.

3. What type of sessions are considered for Advance Booking?
UBC FoM undergraduate, postgraduate, continuing professional development and health professions education sessions are considered for advance booking (e.g. lectures, labs, exams, academic half days, academic rounds).

4. What time lines are in place for Advance Booking?
The following times lines are in place:
March 31, 2013: Deadline to submit request for academic sessions.
May 15, 2013: Booking confirmations sent for requests received by March 31.

5. What rooms are available for Advance Booking?
For a list of rooms available for advance booking, please use: Find a Room.

6. How can I request rooms for Advance Booking?
To request rooms for advance booking, please follow the steps outlined at: Book a Room.

7. When can I submit request for non-academic sessions for 2013-14?
Request for non-academic sessions (e.g. meetings) for 2013-14 will be accepted after May 15, 2013.

8. Where can I find more information about room booking?
Information about FoM room booking is available on our Facilities website.

9. Who may I contact if I have any questions?
For questions about advance booking or room booking in general, please contact the FoM room booking team at roombooking.fom@ubc.ca

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