UBC Video Conference rooms in the Clinical Support Building Opens for Use.

The University of British Columbia, Faculty of Medicine partnered with BC Children’s and Women’s Hospitals to develop new and existing space and facilitate the expanded presence of the MD program at the site.

As part of this initiative, three videoconference rooms (6, 14 & 40 seat) with state-of-the-art UBC/PHSA video conferencing systems are being developed in the Clinical Support Building.

The 6 & 14 seat small seminar rooms opens for use starting November 19, 2012. The 6 seat room includes two 50” plasma displays, one microphone and one VGA laptop connection, while the 14 seat room includes two 60” plasma displays, three microphones and one VGH laptop connection.

The 40 seat large seminar room which includes two large 85” LCD display monitors, a lectern with user-friendly touch screen control systems, a PC for presentations, VGA and HDMI laptop connections, a document camera, a Blu-ray DVD player, and push-to-talk microphones for audience participation, is expected to open in January 2013.

A key success factor for this project is the efficient and effective use of the space. Access to the videoconference rooms will be prioritized according to the Academic Space Protocol, an agreement between the Ministry of Health, the Faculty of Medicine, and all Health Authorities.

The UBC Faculty of Medicine’s centralized booking system ‘Resource Scheduler’ will be used to book these rooms. Reservations for the rooms can be made through the UBC Faculty of Medicine (FoM) room booking team at roombooking.fom@ubc.ca, by submitting a Room Request form available on the FoM website at https://facilities.med.ubc.ca/room-booking/. Replies to booking requests will be sent by e-mail within 1-3 business days.

Users interested in using the technology in the room are encouraged to register for a user training session, by sending an email to roombooking.fom@ubc.ca.

We are excited about BC Children’s and Women’s Hospitals future with the University of British Columbia and look forward to continuing the initiative to distribute medical learning across the province.


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